a heart is captive

a heart is captive

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

A Question to those who do not read this

I need to ask this question of “conservatives and republicans & obscenely rich people( includes you “TV Christian preachers” )….Why do you begrudge the people who are not wealthy any kind of nice life? Why are you so excited about killing people you do not know just to make money on your investments from your bombs and weapons stocks? Why do you need more than a few million dollars for your happiness? Why do you want all this money sweated  off the backs of the serf labor of others? What kind of thoughts go through your minds when you like to see starving people? Why do you get pleasure from seeing people needing to live in the streets while you have more houses and rooms than you will ever use? Why do you get so much satisfaction out of the color of your skin when it was just a random chance of birth? What is it to you that people pray or do not pray to the same deity you do? Why do you care if two adults love each other? Why is it that all you obscenely rich people are so perverted in ways that are just sick and so far off the bell curve of normal? Why are you so cheap and miserly about being kind and helping others with the tax money we pay and want to steal it for yourselves as if your billions of dollars are not enough? Just a fe questions I have never gotten the answer for…why are you so selfish? Why can you not want for others what you want for you all we serfs/peasants want is a home food clothes and meaningful work education for our children, clean water clean air, open spaces to see or just know they are there. We want the animals of the earth to live along with the human animals…why is that such a problem for you rich people? Why do you hate all of us and hate this planet we all live on?

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