a heart is captive

a heart is captive

Sunday, March 29, 2020

“Power Concedes Nothing Without Demand” Frederick Douglass

“Power Concedes Nothing Without Demand” Frederick Douglass

No Law Can Deny Workers Our Inherent Right to Withhold Our Labor To Improve Our Lives.

During this crises of Covid-19, during this time when the Federal Government let us down and has denied us care, help, and solace we need to act now for our own betterment.
We have for far too long been complacent with the claptrap babble of politicians that are voted in that have no intentions of looking out for our well being. Not one corporation that moved to China or Mexico or any other country out of the USA did so for our benefit. They moved overseas for their profits. They left us twisting in the wind with stagnant and declining wages, Usurious interest rates, inflated real-estate prices, rents to the point that a working person is homeless! They destroyed the ability of the regular person to be able to afford a house or the rent for an apartment.  The entertainment industry kept pushing in our faces the lives of the obscenely rich to emulate and like brainless zombies most of the Americans bought into the lie.  
Now in this C-19 crises we see who are the important people in this country. And Everyone working their asses off for the benefit of the rest of us are still paid crap wages, have no paid sick leave no retirement plans, no healthcare.
Yet all the politicians are millionaires or even BILLIONAIRES. 
The party in power( Republicans) are the base line blame for the state of this Country. The Republican fake trickle down economics from Reagan on to the the current regime that wants to deny you your very life for the bottom line of their corporate friends while still begrudging you some pennies to pay the rent or buy food while in lock down, have no concern for your life or your family’s lives. You do not matter only their profit. Only  obscene greed is the mantra of the POTUS and every other elected republican. The Democrats since Carter are not much better either but they do not have the power NOW! 
Will these corporate megaliths reward your work with better living wages after this crises is over? NO, they will go back to their orgy and wallow in the blood of the workers while they build another mansion with 50 bathrooms.
These corporations have sent millions of jobs overseas leaving us with few choices to work. They parsimonious attitude leaves most of us full time workers qualifying for public assistance. Their greed leave even more of us with out full time work and living hand to mouth.
We do not need to storm their castles with pitch forks, We simple need to STOP working. Let the management do the work. 
 Demand your rights:
  1 .To fare wages not starvation wages
 2.Universal health care so we are not indentured to a bad job just for the “health insurance”.
3. Demand that NO federal money… 
YOUR TAX MONEY goes to any corporation.

Get rid of the jackboot standing on your neck, Get rid of the jackboot that rapes your land, your country in their greed orgy
Do it now or you will be the sacrifice POTUS wants… The Republicans want you to die. Read the news and you will see many times…well some will die…so what!
That is who runs your country now People who want you to die!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Fundamental changes NOW

The GOP and Trump will throw a bit of money at us and many will say god bless these saviors which is bullshit......They are the ones who dragged their feet for months. They are the ones that destroyed the https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/trump-disbanded-nsc-pandemic-unit-experts-praised-69594177
that would have been of great help.https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/trump-disbanded-nsc-pandemic-unit-experts-praised-69594177
There is NO health care here in the US. The rich can see the doctor the rest of us just die.
Universal Health Care is a right in these civilized times. We pay out trillions of dollars to corporations so their CEOs can become billionaires. We Bail out poorly run companies and Wall Street as if they contribute to the well being of the We the People.
Remember folks the Republicans have done nothing for the people since they got power with Reagan...If you have an example then feel free to site it here!
The Republicans and trim hate you all. Remember that with that bit of money comes to you .....THEY BEGRUDGE you every penny in that check!.
 Do not fall for their lies anymore. Stop being so stupid that you hate your fellow citizen as much as you hate yourself since you do not wish others well!
W also need the Universal Basic Income! There is plenty of money to fund this for 100 years...we fund war and killing, we fund the billionaires  why not the people who the only see as cash cows?
Universal Health Care &
Universal Basic Income!
Let those rich people pay for their luxuries not you!
The rich are the Enemy of the people!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


This plague we are all enduring is the perfect time to fundamentally change the way things are done in the USA and overthrow the republican dictatorship that has led to the failure of the is country.
Millions of people are home and millions are now on the internet it is time to start disseminating information to rally people for fundamental change.
  1. Universal Health Care
  2. Universal Basic Income
  3. Low to no cost college education
  4. Bring the housing market out of the stratosphere and into pre greed prices and costs.
  5. No homeless people…there are millions of empty buildings/hotels/malls that can be converted into places people can live nicely in every city in the USA.
  6. Remote working. This can open the possibilities of small struggling villages and towns across the US to people who can work from home, and still have the ambience of a small town and in a climate of their choosing.
  7. Get ALL the religion out of the government. You have specific beliefs? Fine just no more forcing others to adhere to them through government edict and laws.
  8. Wear what ever religious garb and jewelry  you want it is nobody’s business…just stay clean.
  9. All utilities need to be publicly owned and no one should ever not have electricity, CLEAN water, or heating or cooling problems. Subsidize until it is included in housing.
  10. Public transportation in every city to get anywhere in the metro area with ease and safety.

More later but this is the first wave of fundamental changes needed here NOW.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Failed Nation: The United States of America

It is a long time coming but we have arrived at the Failed United States of America. I have warned for years this time would come and it is here.
No part to the federal government is functioning. Not one agency, department, division is functioning…. Flailing about yes but not doing their job for the PEOPLE whom they work for. From the President on over to the Senate and Supreme Court not one area of the government is functioning.
There needs to be fundamental changes and this regime will not even tender one idea let alone care to fix the broken united States of America. We have been over run by traitors in the Senate, The President and Vice President, Every sycophant and relatives the president has as advisors are so inadequate for the fast they have that it boggles the mind of a thinking human being. The Fifth Estate of the News Media….have let us down a decade or more ago…they are tabloid, yellow journalism, propaganda outlets.
This international pandemic is the straw that broke the back of this country, This pandemic has revealed the non-functioning government in the cold light. 
The Federal government only serves the rich, the billionaires and the rest of us are not ever accorded serfdom under their regime.
I can list what needs to happen. It is revolution and it can be quiet and effective. However not enough Americans care that this nation is failed.
The only thing that seems to be functioning are the individual states and those states with non republican created agencies are doing better than the others. 
The greedy hoarders are not the panicked populace in wake of Covid-19 but the billionaires, the wealthy…they are the root cause of our failure. 

And no amount of wishful thinking that  your ship come in, your lotto ticket wins, you will hit it big will make you anything but a peasant, a serf, and indentured servant….. You will never become rich so pull up you pants and face reality that these billionaires despise you and laugh at you all of you who have voted them into office even when it was clear as the sun that they NEVER had your best interest at heart, never cared about this country except as a cash cow and You bought their lines every time every voting cycle….you all are the village idiot who voted these thieves into office and now the country has failed.