“Power Concedes Nothing Without Demand” Frederick Douglass
No Law Can Deny Workers Our Inherent Right to Withhold Our Labor To Improve Our Lives.
During this crises of Covid-19, during this time when the Federal Government let us down and has denied us care, help, and solace we need to act now for our own betterment.
We have for far too long been complacent with the claptrap babble of politicians that are voted in that have no intentions of looking out for our well being. Not one corporation that moved to China or Mexico or any other country out of the USA did so for our benefit. They moved overseas for their profits. They left us twisting in the wind with stagnant and declining wages, Usurious interest rates, inflated real-estate prices, rents to the point that a working person is homeless! They destroyed the ability of the regular person to be able to afford a house or the rent for an apartment. The entertainment industry kept pushing in our faces the lives of the obscenely rich to emulate and like brainless zombies most of the Americans bought into the lie.
Now in this C-19 crises we see who are the important people in this country. And Everyone working their asses off for the benefit of the rest of us are still paid crap wages, have no paid sick leave no retirement plans, no healthcare.
Yet all the politicians are millionaires or even BILLIONAIRES.
The party in power( Republicans) are the base line blame for the state of this Country. The Republican fake trickle down economics from Reagan on to the the current regime that wants to deny you your very life for the bottom line of their corporate friends while still begrudging you some pennies to pay the rent or buy food while in lock down, have no concern for your life or your family’s lives. You do not matter only their profit. Only obscene greed is the mantra of the POTUS and every other elected republican. The Democrats since Carter are not much better either but they do not have the power NOW!
Will these corporate megaliths reward your work with better living wages after this crises is over? NO, they will go back to their orgy and wallow in the blood of the workers while they build another mansion with 50 bathrooms.
These corporations have sent millions of jobs overseas leaving us with few choices to work. They parsimonious attitude leaves most of us full time workers qualifying for public assistance. Their greed leave even more of us with out full time work and living hand to mouth.
We do not need to storm their castles with pitch forks, We simple need to STOP working. Let the management do the work.
Demand your rights:
1 .To fare wages not starvation wages
2.Universal health care so we are not indentured to a bad job just for the “health insurance”.
3. Demand that NO federal money…
YOUR TAX MONEY goes to any corporation.
Get rid of the jackboot standing on your neck, Get rid of the jackboot that rapes your land, your country in their greed orgy
Do it now or you will be the sacrifice POTUS wants… The Republicans want you to die. Read the news and you will see many times…well some will die…so what!
That is who runs your country now People who want you to die!
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