Losing Notre Dame is like losing the moon, it has always been there and has been there for every writer of literature, of music, we read, of painters, we see, we listen to today…out lasted every empire it saw…Je suis inconsolable
However I have a grand idea. That will work better than the current war mongers MIC.
I shall outline my idea here and it was inspired by a new friend.
Let all the Billionaires contribute Just One billion dollars each to the rebuilding on Norte Dame….
From that money create the glass works in places using solar power to make the glass.
There will jobs for 100 years for artists, historians, craftsmen( and women) stone workers and the related skills, the related services, the related food, housing etc.
Let each wealthy country regardless of religion contribute…..
Let the scientist design the needed air quality, water quality, the living towns & villages that will be all over the world for the people to create the items needed for a full remake of this grand symbol of human accomplishment that was built by people with grander hearts and souls than we in 1100-1200AD….
There is too much of money hoarded by these overly wealthy men and women that if spread around( and corruption kept in check) can create a new era of humanity.
Stop the war machines and create the worlds heritage that is being destroyed by our unchecked hubris.
There are many tributes of mankind’s creative endeavors that need serious restoration now or be lost forever to the decay of the soul of human beings …..Venice, The Taj Mahal come to mind….if we look there are hundreds of areas all over the world endangered of being lost to all of us forever.
Are we not all the same specie? Have we grown so dull witted and closed minded that we rather destroy this earth and all that our species has created because someone thinks that owning 20 mansions means they can sleep in twenty beds in the same night?
Do not simply put aside the artificial differences we created for use to make war-geld. But let us truly see we are one…we are like a rainbow from a prism… One Shard of Crystal that a beam of sunlight breaks into may colors…colors we, humans do not even see then all, but the others, our animal brethren see, even the flowers and insects see and product more colors than our puny human eye can see.
No one will live forever and many of you Billionaires are already elderly ….think you can take it with you…hahahaha.
Have you gone so long with out your heart and soul that you wish your legacy to be greed and death? The possibilities are immense and this earth is all we have and You…old billionaires are going to die sooner than you think.