Been analyzing my current depression...even after waffles....the underlying truth of G+ going down the tubes is the base....then the realization that Rosy may not live that long...the tiniest of the feral litter, the first of the potatoes who came to me, has been ill twice with feral diseases and treated but her little immune system is not in good condition. She is currently with her brother Jerry who gave her a good washing and is now cuddling his baby sister. QB( Jerry's sister) and Lil'Smokey all love her and are the most loving to each other set of siblings one litter apart I have ever seen. We have have had several sets of siblings and these 4 out do all the others for camaraderie and affection . We have the mother of both sets and the father of the last litter. Breaks my heart. Doctors can not cure everything. So I take care of her..she still eats and plays but is not thriving like her litter sister. So that is a depression. The current political situation is traumatizing, the fires in California, the callousness of those elected officials to life ( everyone's life human and non human) has appalled me into depression. I can no more believe in any god thing to try to fool myself into something out there that cares when there is no evidence. I let others keep their delusion, like children and Santa why spoil it for them?
I like my new house and the area is so friendly this move was a good one. This early snow has surprised all of us and even though it is pretty it means winter will be longer by 2 months...last winter was not through until last of April so by next April? So 6 moth of winter, a few months of not winter and then maybe some warm weather and Fall will begin...
There is not one government out there in the whole earth that is doing its best for everyone in their country or the world. It looks like we as a species can only get so far then the braincells die in a vast number of humans and people revert to barbarians and become savages again. We have plenty of everything for everyone in the over populated world however many are so greedy that they hog so much that others die for lack of the basic necessities right in the cities they reign in. There are not enough words to describe how appalled I am at the lack of compassion and love in the humans that rule the earth when I see more love and compassion in cats. I see crows and sea gulls share a nice bag of garbage...I watch municipalities poison food that others wanted to share with the poor, I see women with $10,000 handbags knowing $10K can keep a family alive for a year...What is most shocking is that no one cares except those with no power. It is all about power and greed. A sad fretful day...The snow is pretty here and I am dying. I feel so grief stricken to know my species has devolved back into savages and barbarians. Although their females do carry $10,000 handbags and their males wear $94,000 watches. The pod people have won.