This will not be popular with Americans until they really think hard about what I have written. But Americans are cowards. They have never seen war on their soil since the civil war and no one is alive to even have had a grandparent to reminisce about the the Civil War. Yet so many are frothing at the mouth in anticipation to have more wars especially with North Korea. We have several going now accomplishing Nothing but bringing back wounded, dead, and broken military people. Spending our taxes to no end but war profits. The Pentagon now wants to invade N.Korea, Trump is all for it, I am sure, as are all the republican cowards who are hyperventilating all over Face Book for the supremacy of the American way. I would call them idiots but that is too soft a term. America is not the ruler of the world and nor should it be. We came out on top after WW2 for only one reason…we were the only country left with an intact infrastructure, manufacturing capabilities, and cold hard cash. Our country was not touch by one bomb. Not once city was in ruins. All our citizens were well fed and comfortable no matter how much hardship the grandparents want to portray their war years. We had educated, healthy people to gear up to supply the world devastated by the war of nearly 10 years.
Our women worked in factories not fighting for their country with guns and starvation hiding in cellars and bombed out buildings.
We had it tough, yeah right.
Sorry folks we came out on top through luck that the businessmen here were thwarted by the plan of FDR to enter the war and not make a deal with Hitler. Even Trump’s father was frothing at the mouth to make some sweet deals once England fell.
So until war is here and WE THE PEOPLE really know suffering on our soil we are cowards to demand war in every part of the world for business profits…that is all it is… Profits. Lots and lots of money to feed the billionaires while they break the backs of the common people here who are so stupid as to believe all the crap put out by the republicans and the so called conservative media. They are all for a war since they will make money. Hell they do not even care about the wounded who come back from the various wars we are engaged in now. Just open your eyes and really see how pathetic we have become. We had a chance to be a great country but decided money was god the father, god the son and god the holy spirit…..pathetic.