I am forced by the lazy, local, postal employees to have a PO Box. They refuse to deliver mail for about 4 blocks of Main Street. I do get my PO Box for free HOWEVER, I do not get all my mail.
If I have something that is addressed to my Street address ( and many many many Businesses, governmental entities, and foreign companies do not deliver to PO Boxes .).....my mail can be returned to sender since the PO Box number is not on the parcel, letter etc.....The new employees( and I have a strong feeling they are republican trumplings) are rude and so arrogant about my complaint that it makes me angry. Yes I made a scene there today but I was in the right and they were wrong and for some reason the one person who could make this not a problem is not there until Tuesday. FTS. I know the republicans hate the Post Office and that is why they are strangling it with privatization .....probably several congressmen and senators have stock in privatizations mail companies since they never do anything for free. Yes I hate what the Post Office has been turned into. It was once a well run respected part of our once nice nation now we are a banana republic with out the bananas
a heart is captive

Friday, September 29, 2017
Monday, September 11, 2017
An interesting person
A Beaten and Vengeful People
Sixteen years ago the Terrorists brought down the United States of America in New York city.
We curled up in fear and gave away all of our freedoms, struck out at anyone who remotely looked or sounded like those few men who managed to hijack the three planes. We waged and are still waging cruel wars on every country that happens to be under the same umbrella religion called Islam. No one knows, or no one cares, that there are one billion people who are one form or another of the religion Islam. The one country directly responsible for the radical hate filled sect of Islam is Saudi Arabia…of course we have bent over backward to kowtow to all their demands in the name of oil and greed.. We fund those who wanted us to suffer. We still fund those who want us to suffer like some masochist.
All they needed to do to bring the US down was done on September 11, 2001. We went stupid, blind, and deaf and did the rest to ourselves.
Oh, we talked of solidarity and peace and all that. Most of the civilized world was on our side to help ameliorate the disaster and help us through the rubble. However we ignored them and set off to finish the job of destroying what was the United States of America.
Now sixteen years later we are a vengeful, beaten people. We have turned on each other here at home and lashed out at every country in the world in some way. We are isolated and alone and we like it that way….. Feeds our sense of martyrdom and butthurt.
We did try to change things a bit by electing the first black man to the presidency but I see now that was a ploy to finish us off. The racists that nursed their hatred and grudges since the civil war which was over in 1864 began coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches. They swarmed into the military, they swarmed into the police departments, they swarmed into the congress and senate or what is even more sinister like spy moles they came out of the closet and we saw them as our neighbors or even family members.
We are a doomed people. We feed on terror, we revel in hatred, We make money off the endless wars. We hate ourselves so much we want to kill everyone who is not pure American, this is a sickness that is like the flesh eating bacterias. There is not pure anyone on earth. The ideal of pure is a fantasy and made-up of lies. Yet the masses of undereducated slobs eat it up like candy. I see them all over this country. Each little quasi ethnic group sees “the other”, people are divided on the amount of melanin in the skin…. Nothing more, Them people are then divided on how they dress in public….nothing more. Then people are divided on how they pray….nothing more……the USA has fallen so low into the gutter that feeding a hungry child or many hungry children is considered a waste of money, time and effort. We have fallen so low into the gutter we think nothing about homeless people….but we are proud that our apartments earn us thousands of dollars a moth in profits….that is the key that is the new god of the United States of America profit….we want more money….Not every one just those who are already obscenely rich. They also hate anyone and everyone but fellow obscenely rich people.
So on this anniversary of the fall of the United States of America. I am old enough to see the fall with my own eyes. I saw no one speak out about the falling of the US so involved in hate they were from the leaders on down to the slobs in the closet. We lost what ever we were…a little bit every day since. Until the fall was complete last election day. I can not mourn the loss of the USA anymore…it has been a fast ride to the bottom and fewer people still see it………..sad. there is nothing for god to bless anymore,
We curled up in fear and gave away all of our freedoms, struck out at anyone who remotely looked or sounded like those few men who managed to hijack the three planes. We waged and are still waging cruel wars on every country that happens to be under the same umbrella religion called Islam. No one knows, or no one cares, that there are one billion people who are one form or another of the religion Islam. The one country directly responsible for the radical hate filled sect of Islam is Saudi Arabia…of course we have bent over backward to kowtow to all their demands in the name of oil and greed.. We fund those who wanted us to suffer. We still fund those who want us to suffer like some masochist.
All they needed to do to bring the US down was done on September 11, 2001. We went stupid, blind, and deaf and did the rest to ourselves.
Oh, we talked of solidarity and peace and all that. Most of the civilized world was on our side to help ameliorate the disaster and help us through the rubble. However we ignored them and set off to finish the job of destroying what was the United States of America.
Now sixteen years later we are a vengeful, beaten people. We have turned on each other here at home and lashed out at every country in the world in some way. We are isolated and alone and we like it that way….. Feeds our sense of martyrdom and butthurt.
We did try to change things a bit by electing the first black man to the presidency but I see now that was a ploy to finish us off. The racists that nursed their hatred and grudges since the civil war which was over in 1864 began coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches. They swarmed into the military, they swarmed into the police departments, they swarmed into the congress and senate or what is even more sinister like spy moles they came out of the closet and we saw them as our neighbors or even family members.
We are a doomed people. We feed on terror, we revel in hatred, We make money off the endless wars. We hate ourselves so much we want to kill everyone who is not pure American, this is a sickness that is like the flesh eating bacterias. There is not pure anyone on earth. The ideal of pure is a fantasy and made-up of lies. Yet the masses of undereducated slobs eat it up like candy. I see them all over this country. Each little quasi ethnic group sees “the other”, people are divided on the amount of melanin in the skin…. Nothing more, Them people are then divided on how they dress in public….nothing more. Then people are divided on how they pray….nothing more……the USA has fallen so low into the gutter that feeding a hungry child or many hungry children is considered a waste of money, time and effort. We have fallen so low into the gutter we think nothing about homeless people….but we are proud that our apartments earn us thousands of dollars a moth in profits….that is the key that is the new god of the United States of America profit….we want more money….Not every one just those who are already obscenely rich. They also hate anyone and everyone but fellow obscenely rich people.
So on this anniversary of the fall of the United States of America. I am old enough to see the fall with my own eyes. I saw no one speak out about the falling of the US so involved in hate they were from the leaders on down to the slobs in the closet. We lost what ever we were…a little bit every day since. Until the fall was complete last election day. I can not mourn the loss of the USA anymore…it has been a fast ride to the bottom and fewer people still see it………..sad. there is nothing for god to bless anymore,
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