Many things have been happening that have shown me the error of our collective ways. From observation, experience, and life I have fallen face flat into the one Truth no one will see until it is too late.
Conservatives and the members of the GOP are short sighted and live in a fantasy world.
How can this be true you may ask? Easy. Every single one of the Republicans I know are selfish people. They consistently vote against their own best interests because what ever they are voting against will benefit some peoples or groups or classes of people they prudishly disapprove of. A classic example is my Aunt. She is 99. She is a life long, card carrying Republican. Yet she is appalled at how old people are cared for and treated in the social system. Some social councilor/pastor whatever comes to chat with her and it is decided between them that Old people need to vote for better conditions. I question this. The conditions today are the results of What you sow, you reap. She never once voted for school bonds..."I have no children so why should I pay for other people's brats" .....She voted against every social program and help that were up to the vote either by issue or candidate platform because she did not want to help...druggies....poor people...immigrants....lazy people...families.... She was so incredibly short sighted and selfish that she could not or rather would not see that her own best interests are tied directly to societies best interests. There is no help or care for very old people because she begrudged others this same care all her life. So why should anyone care now that she is old. What did she care when others around her were old?
This takes me to the second thought that has kept me awake lately.
YOU are not temporality poor. Your ship will not come in, you will not win the lotto, the slots will not pay off so you can live the easy life. You will have to work at a job you are not thrilled with. If your parents were not filthy rich and if you are not in politics you are as rich as you will get now. What is it that you want that this windfall will create for you? I was reading through a 29 year old journal of mine and seeing the desperation of my poverty if only I could win..... What did I plated toilet seat? Fancy car? Mink coat? No I wanted to be able to go to the doctor and get the help I needed for a simple accident that has left me with chronic pain today. If I had medical care back then I would not have this pain today simple as that. The things I wanted were simple : to be able to pay the bills of daily life, enjoy some time with friends and family.
Did I want something for nothing? No. I paid taxes I wanted something from the taxes I paid. What I got was round and rounds of endless wars, money wasted on interventions in countries we had no business interfering with in the negative way we were doing it. Never once had our foreign policy gone to help those countries who had real poverty and needed real help. My taxes went to the Military Industrial Complex so people, not me and not you, could become as rich as Croesus.
Once I realized I am not going to become wealthy I saw how many people still lived in that fantasy. Stupid people. I worked, I went to get education. I enriched my life with the free things that are available to all of us.
Which brings me back to the Truth. The GOP are not for YOU they are for themselves wrapped in the false hope that you will someday be rich so you must protect your future interests by protecting ours today. GOPers are not moral, they do not care about you are a person or us as the society. We are cash cows for their extravagant live styles since yes they want gold toilet seats, mink coats and fancy cars. They want to spend a million dollars on their daughter's wedding to put on an extravaganza for the serf( hearing me HRC?) They want everything they see, they want to put as much distance between them and us as they can. Trump never did his own grocery shopping he is from a wealthy family. HRC has forgotten the days of driving herself to work, shopping and changing diapers.
Oh did I mention the Democrats too? Yes They are no more for you then the GOP. They want theirs and to hell with you. You are a cash cow.
When you are 99 and can not do for yourself you can look through all those lovely White House Christmas Cards you paid for and take comfort that you donated sums of money and got nothing but a Christmas card. As you sow So shall you reap. Your Chickens have come home to roost. You made your bed and now you must lie in it. See all those old sayings are truths......Wake up and smell the coffee folks your ship sank and you are at the apex of your life.